Alberto Centeno

The fallen angel

Fran Parra (director and screenwriter) was one of the first people I met in this industry and one of the first to believe in me. The script for El ángel caído was, without a doubt, the first one I was given to read as a cinematographer when I barely knew what that even meant. We were inspired by post-war Spanish cinema, by authors such as Luis García Berlanga and Ladislao Vajda. Visually, we prioritized the theatricality of lighting, supported by black and white, which turned the image into something abstract. It took us several years to finally shoot this film, but the wait was worth it.


Directed by:

Fran Parra


Adolfo Fernández, Javier Cifrián, Gregory Brossard


Fran Parra


Alberto Centeno


Enigmafilms, Riesgo Producciones